Lawn Game Competition

Lawn Game Competition

Drink Descriptions

Drink Descriptions

Appetizer and Games on the Lawn

Appetizer and Games on the Lawn

Local Wines

Local Wines

Lawn Games

Lawn Games

Games Make for Fun Times and Photos

Games Make for Fun Times and Photos

Custom Brewed Beer

Custom Brewed Beer

Bride + Groom Lawn Games

Bride + Groom Lawn Games

Wonderful Bar Service

Wonderful Bar Service

Relax and Enjoy the Views

Relax and Enjoy the Views

Photo Op Frame

Photo Op Frame

Bar Information


Estimate 1 drink/person/hour

Not everyone will drink that, but most will- some drinking more and some not at all. This estimation includes all drinks. You will want to profile your guests and determine what you think they will mostly be drinking. The amount of time drinking is approximately 5 hours. So use the estimation of 5 drinks/ guest. Cocktail Hour is held around the pond garden and lasts about an hour- and hour and a half. We generally serve a selection of wines - 2-3 total, a specialty cocktail, and beer. * Please limit the amount of kegs used at the pond bar. Everything will be moved down to the Apple House for dinner, and multiple full kegs are difficult to move and also makes the beer quite foamy. We recommend a pony keg at the pond bar that would then join a full keg at the Apple House for the remainder of the wedding day.

Cocktails – estimate 1.5 cocktails/person

Cocktails for 100 guests during cocktail hour: 150 drinks 4 handles of liquor 6 half-gallon cartons or 11 liter bottles of mixer

Beer – Estimate 1 beer/hour/beer drinker

Keep in mind; most people will have a cocktail or two and maybe a glass of wine with dinner. So even heavy beer drinkers may not only be drinking beer! “Half barrel” = full keg – 15.5 gallons ~ 150 pints “Quarter barrel” = pony keg – 7.75 gallons ~ 75 pints 1 keg is generally enough for 100 guests. You may want an additional pony keg as back up if your group is a heavy beer-drinking crowd.

Wine – Estimate 1 glass/hour/wine drinker

During cocktail hour and hot summer days more white wine is drunk. Red wine is primarily served at dinner. Rose is also popular during the summer months.


For 100 guests: 8 cases total if no cocktail 6-7 cases if you are serving a cocktail

Champagne For champagne toast for 100 – 1 case

Bar Information